The Interesting Car Club Centre Bretagne
What a fun run we had today, 23rd April 2019...
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Colin, John, Eddy, Sue and I met at Mur de Bretagne today to run to Rog and Lind'as place.

We left at 14.10hrs had a nice dry run through frome Mur to Cleguerec, through Silfiac along the twisty back road to Rostrenen and then out to Lanrivain... a nice run of about 57Km.
Glenn was waiting for us there as he had a sudden prior engagement.
Rog gave us a tour of his various bikes, history of some of the machines and we were  able to amble through all the wonderful ephemera and ask questions...
After a while we brought out the cakes, biscuits etc to share with the teas and coffees... mmmmm DEEELICIOUS!!!!!
The weather started to close in a little with light rain but that didn't put Eddy or me off trying out teh Russian motorbike and sidecar - which has the power also linked to the sidecar wheel.
This was the first time I had ridden a sidecar outtif... it was hard work but great fun.... Eddy got the machine in tot second gear while I wa happy to nip around in first...
We were also joined by Paul who is an ICC member with several bikes of his own.
As the rain was carrying on falling we helped Rog get his LOVELY machines away in his barns etc and then made our wyas homeward after a fabulous afternoon of bikes, bikes and Lomaxs.
MANY thanks to Rog and Linda for entertaining us so well and sharing your lovely bikes etc. It was GREAT to see them and try out the sidecar outfit - another item ticked of my bucket list...!!!!!
Ride safe
Dave et Sue 
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The Interesting Car Club
Association de Loi 1901 – W222002150
The Interesting Car Club
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