The Interesting Car Club Centre Bretagne
86695160 2800518836695486 8274261475065856000 nA visit to the SUBMARINE PENS in Lorient
On a cold day in February, the ICC organised a visit to the SUBMARINE PENS in Lorient, followed by lovely lunch in LE K5 by PAUL. 20 members came along and the excellent commentary was provided by our tour guide in English, which really brought to life the way life was during the war in Lorient.
We learned that they did not conscript workers, instead preferring to pay higher wages to get better qualified workers, from advertising.
This became the most important Submarine base on the Atlantic Wall Defences for the German war machine, being able to accommodate up to 30 submarines. The construction of the pens was designed to withstand arial bombardment by the Allies with a clever roof superstructure. The Germans built underground access tunnels for the workers to access the pens safely from Allied Bombings. Two ships were scuppered at the entrance to the main hangers to protect against Dam Buster Bombers being able to successfully use their bouncing bomb attacking techniques. After the war, Submarine Base became a part of the French Navy.
Once decommissioned, it became apparent the massive structure could not be demolished cost effectively. They have therefore converted the area to private use and Tourism. Companies involved in sailing, repairs and building of new racing sailing yachts, attracting up to 200 000 visitors a year to watch the spectacular sailing events.
The Interesting Car Club
Association de Loi 1901 – W222002150
The Interesting Car Club
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