IMG 6406HARAS VISIT 11/03/2023

Well what a turnout!
Thank you everyone 26 people turned up for the visit of the Haras.
For those of us less familiar with the implements used by the equestrian fraternity, the visit to the two tack rooms was very informative.
From the mechanical clippers to the different style stirrups and training implement.
The National Stud Farm in Lamballe was set up in Lamballe in 1783, although, Lamballe was already a place frequented by Royal Stallions earlier in the 18th Century. The current site became home to the HARAS in 1825 with a mandate to improve horse breeds. This site oversaw the breeding of the Breton Post Horse, a cross breed between the Breton draught horse and the English half-bred Norfolk. It was used in many roles as diverse as pulling coaches to use in the military and is still bred to this day.
The role of the Haras has gradually evolved and is famous for breeding race horses, show jumping and the Haras performs displays in their arena during the summer.
Their carriage house, is home to an interesting array of horse drawn vehicles, although the one with a motor to help ease the load on the horse was not very successful, leading injuries to the horses.
We ended up having lunch at the Ardoise.
Thank you again for supporting the club.
I am now looking forward to the Treasure Hunt and the visit to Port Louis.

Angela et Salvatore
The Interesting Car Club
Association de Loi 1901 – W222002150
The Interesting Car Club
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